The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been around for a year, has not stopped BEM SV 2021 from being productive. The flagship program initiated by the creative economy sector, namely Burjo VJ, was recently inaugurated at Jalan Banjarsari Selatan No. 10, Tembalang. The inauguration was carried out by the Undip Vocational School Entrepreneurship Trustee Maya Aresteria, SE, M.Si, Akt, CA.
Head of student executive board Undip Vocational School Khadafi Rhamdani said the name “VJ” was taken from the Vocational School jargon, namely Vocational Champion. The initial purpose of establishing Burjo VJ was to develop a financial source for the Undip SV BEM which could later be used by SV students to develop an entrepreneurial spirit. Returning to vocational scholarship, which focuses on application, is the basis for establishing this burjo. Vocational students are expected to be more motivated to apply their entrepreneurial knowledge,” he explained.
Khadafi added that the Burjo VJ is an entrepreneurship laboratory for Vocational students, the establishment of the Burjo VJ cannot be separated from the help of students from multiple majors at SV and hopefully in line with our expectations for each period of the management of the BEM SV Undip Burjo VJ can continue to grow and have branches. next branch.
Undip Vocational School Entrepreneurship Maya Aresteria who is also a lecturer in the Tax Accounting study program in her speech really appreciates this entrepreneurial activity, but it should be remembered that this is not the output but the output obtained is how the financial management will be.
The hope is that this burjo can be used as a laboratory for entrepreneurship for vocational students, by empowering existing resources at the Undip Vocational School such as snacks that can become partners in this burjo and developing other resources.
The event was symbolically inaugurated by cutting the cone from Mrs. Maya to Kabem (Khadafi Rhamdani) dan Wakabem (Salsabila)