On Thursday, December 21, 2023, dissemination of the results of the MBKM Program regarding the preparation of Spatial Planning by Spatial Planning and Land Planning (PTRP) students class of 2020 at the Vocational School, Diponegoro University in Purworejo Regency was held in the Meeting Hall of the Purworejo Regency DPUPR Office. This event started at 10.30 WIB and was attended by the Head of the Purworejo Regency DPUPR Spatial Planning Division (Yusuf Syarifudin, S.T., M.Sc.), the Head of the Spatial Planning and Land Planning Study Program (Khristiana Dwi Astuti S.T., M.T.), as well as the DPUPR staff. Purworejo Regency and Lecturers in the Spatial Planning and Land Planning Study Program (Pangi, S.T., M.T.; Pratamaningtyas Anggraini, S.T., M.T.; Reny Yesiana, S.T., M.T.; Syachril Warasambi Mispaki, S.T., M.Eng.; M.T.; Dr. Intan Muning Harjanti , S.T., M.T.; Bintang Septiarani, S.T., M.T.). The event began with remarks from both parties, initiated by the Purworejo Regency DPUPR Spatial Planning Division and the Head of the Land and Spatial Planning Study Program.

The main event began with a presentation of study products from the PTRP students class 2020 for three semesters (approximately 1.5 years). Presentation of the results of the Detailed Spatial Planning Plan (RDTR) by students, starting with the KPI (Industrial Allocation Area) RDTR team and continuing with the BOB (Borobudur Authority Agency) RDTR team. After both teams gave the presentation, a question-and-answer session was held by the DPUPR for the students regarding the results of each regional plan that had been prepared by the PTRP students’ class of 2020. This question and answer session was quite interesting because it compared and brought together two perspectives from the academic side. (students) and practitioners in the field (DPUPR), creating critical questions that can become learning material for both parties.

In the closing series of this dissemination event, the study products of the 2020 class of PTRP students were handed over in the form of a book on sub-district profiles included in the planning area as well as a planning report book on the Detailed Spatial Planning Plan (RDTR) for the Borobudur Authority Agency Area (BOB) and the Industrial Designation Area (KPI). ) to the Purworejo Regency DPUPR. SDGs SV Undip

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