Student of the Applied Foreign Language Study Program class of 2020 at Diponegoro University Vocational School, Siti Anjani, Qualified as Top 8 Delegates in the Indonesian Youth Excursion Network (IYEN) Program. He feels very grateful for the opportunity to participate in a trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to participate in the international youth program, which will take place April – April 26, 2024. The program is specifically designed for young men and women who want to broaden their horizons through study abroad experiences. The selection stages in the competition include file selection, national insight test, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Siti Anjani also acts as a team leader who collaborates with friends from various institutions such as Bina Nusantara University, Riau University, Jember University, Lambung Mangkurat University, Halu Oleo University, and a student from SMAN 4 Padang.

This IYEN program includes training activities, discussions, and workshops facilitated by experts and young leaders to improve insight, leadership skills, and teamwork. The days of this program are packed with visiting the best and most well-known universities in Malaysia, namely the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and Universiti Malaya (UM), visiting historical places and famous tourist attractions such as Bahan Merdeka and Batu Caves, as well as meeting people. Local to get a firsthand insight into life in Malaysia. “Through this program, I experienced firsthand the cultural closeness between Indonesia and Malaysia, which made communicating with residents easier. “Apart from providing insight into Malaysia, this program also opens up opportunities to be involved in developing innovations that have great potential,” said Siti Anjani.

One of the essential and valuable moments during this program is the opportunity to develop innovation. Siti Anjani brought innovation in the Bluetain+ application, which aims to develop the Blue Economy concept in Indonesia and accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ultimately, this innovation was decided to be a major joint project that would be developed and presented in Malaysia. This application allows coastal communities to access online markets for economic development, giving this innovation a positive response from the judges and winning the 1st Best Video Innovation award.

Not to be left behind, Siti Anjani also succeeded in expanding her social network by making new friends from various parts of Indonesia and even from the country she visited Malaysia. This proves how valuable the experience in this program is in enriching knowledge and social relationships. “Through IYEN, I not only understand more about the culture and daily life in Malaysia but also have the opportunity to contribute to the development of innovations that benefit the wider community,” he said. Head of Applied Foreign Language Study Program at SV Undip Sriwahyu Istana Trahutami, S.S., M.Hum greatly appreciated Siti Anjani, who successfully participated in the event in Malaysia.

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