SEMARANG – Getting a job quickly after graduating from college is everyone’s dream. Moreover, if you work in the field of science studied during college.

Nur Wahid is one of the Undip alumni who will share stories about how he was successfully accepted into a prestigious company and his career so far.

“What is certain is that since I was a student, I have been active in various academic and non-academic activities,” said the alumnus of the Applied Foreign Language Study Program at the Vocational School, Monday 15 July 2024.

Nur Wahid himself was accepted at Undip through the Potential Student Selection Admissions (PSSB) class of 2019. As a prospective graduate of the college of Applied Sciences, Nur Wahid felt he had to continue to hone his skills.

During the 7th semester, he underwent an internship program at one of the Cikarang regional hospitality agencies, namely AXIA South Cikarang, owned by the Toyota Group company. After the internship period was over, he received an offer to continue working so he decided to study while working.

Nur Wahid shared his story that while working he met many guests and foreign workers (expatriate) who were dominated by Japanese citizens, which was an experience in itself for him. His meetings with foreigners motivated him to learn a lot about everything.

He admitted that he was happy to be able to work in line with his major when he was in college, namely Japanese Language concentration.

During his work, Nur Wahid also made many achievements. One of them, after working for about 1 year, was awarded The Best Employee of the Month in April 2024.

For his achievements, the Head of SV UNDIP Applied Foreign Language Study Program, Sriwahyu Istana Trahutami, S.S., M.Hum. expresses high appreciation. He hopes that Nur Wahid can become a role model for students who are currently studying in the Applied Foreign Language Study Program.

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