Plosogaden Village, Candiroto District, Kab. Temanggung — Education given by Resha Roshalita, a Student of the Taxation Accounting Study Program, KKN II Vocational School of Diponegoro University TA 2023/2024 in a monodisciplinary program titled “Financial Management: The Importance of Small Business Financial Management” to youth in Plosogaden Village and attended by about 25 people, in Plosogaden Village, Candiroto District, Temanggung Regency on Monday, August 5, 2024.

The success of an MSME is determined not only by the quality of its products or services but also by how the business is managed. Comprehensive business management covers various aspects, from business planning and marketing to financial management. Business management is the art of business management carried out by individuals or groups to achieve effective, efficient, and beneficial goals to become an advanced business. The way to plan a business is to conduct market research, create a business plan, determine capital and resources, sort out the right marketing strategy, and build networks and partnerships. Financial management is one of the most crucial aspects. By managing finances well, SMEs can allocate resources effectively, make informed investment decisions, and ensure future business continuity.

MSME financial management is the process of planning, organizing, controlling, and evaluating financial activities in a business. The aim is to ensure that business finance is used efficiently and effectively and achieve established business objectives. Financial Management MSMEs need to make the right decisions and increase profitability. Activities in implementing business management education and training and business planning include explaining what MSME business management is, why business management is essential, what business planning is, how to do business planning, and what an ideal business looks like.

The technical implementation of its activities is by providing materials from the PowerPoint entitled “Financial Management: The Importance of Small Business Financial Management,” along with supplying and distributing posters with such material. Next, there was a sharing session with the youth of Plosogaden Village regarding the primary material that had been given. The last thing that was done was to take a picture of the youth of Plosogaden Village. The hope is that after following through with Financial Management Education and Training for Small Businesses, the youth of Plosogaden Village will be able to understand business financial management and planning in doing business and can apply it in running MSME business.

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