Semarang: Diponegoro University (Undip) Vocational School celebrated its 8th Anniversary at the Prof. Soedarto Auditorium Building, Undip Tembalang Campus, Thursday (11/28/2024).

Undip Chancellor Prof. Dr. Suharnomo SE MSi, who was present on the occasion, expressed his deep appreciation to Undip Vocational School for achieving superior lectures that form complete competencies for students and graduates.

Suharnomo said many Undip Vocational School graduates were immediately accepted to work at well-known companies after graduation.

“I even heard that there was one graduate who four companies fought over at once; this kind of achievement is cool and makes me proud,” said the chancellor.

According to the Undip Chancellor, graduates of applied science lectures should have strong self-confidence to get a place in their careers quickly.

Rector Suharnomo did not miss telling the success story of an Undip alum figure who also started from a vocational college.

On the other hand, Suharnomo said that the achievement of Undip Vocational School that must be appreciated is the effort to disseminate campus information through mass media.

Undip Vocational School is a faculty that publishes various academic activities, including the success of lecturers and students, so the public widely reads it.

Including information about graduates who are widely absorbed in work, Suharnomo knows from the intense media publications. He expressed his deep gratitude that amid Undip Vocational School’s relatively young age of eight years, it turns out that many breakthroughs have been made.

Meanwhile, the Dean of Undip Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono MSi, acknowledged that the achievements achieved at Undip Vocational School were also due to the hard work and support of many parties, including Undip Rector Prof. Suharnomo.

Of course, there is also the work and full contribution of all students, lecturers, and education staff. They all worked together without exception to present brilliant achievements for their alma mater.

The Undip Vocational School anniversary commemoration event at the Prof. Soedarto auditorium was also filled with a scientific oration by a physics professor from the Undip Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur, DEA. He is one of the scientists recognized worldwide for his plasma physics and ozone technology expertise. Prof. M Nur’s findings regarding plasma and ozone technology are that food products such as vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and so on should be stored longer. M Nur also created innovations in clean air technology through ozone and plasma.

Therefore, students and graduates of the Undip Vocational School are invited to collaborate to become an inventor team to contribute to the progress of Indonesia.

He believes that the Undip academic community is very superior in creating innovations.

This event also included a sharing session with 3 Deans of vocational schools in Central Java and DIY, namely the Dean of Undip Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Budiyono, the Dean of UGM Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Ing Agus Maryono IPM Asean Eng, and the Dean of UNS Vocational School Prof. Dr. Eng Ir Herman Saputro SPd MPd MT.

The signing of a cooperation agreement between the Dean of Undip Vocational School, Prof. Budiyono, and the leaders of the campus partner companies also accompanied this occasion. The signing of this cooperation is related to the tri dharma of higher education with the business and industrial worlds (DUDI).

In addition, in the evening, there was a creative puppet show in the series of dies natalis featuring puppeteer Ki Edy Pengging (Dr. Edy Raharja), who is also a lecturer at Undip Vocational School with the play Sang Hanoman to entertain the academic community of Undip Vocational School and Undip in general, as well as the community.

The two-hour creative performance featured a beautiful combination of shadow puppets, human puppets, dance, songs, and other artistic elements. The performance began shortly after the Undip Chancellor handed over the shadow puppet of Hanoman to the puppeteer. Young puppeteer Sri Setya Dwika Segara and several other puppeteers also assisted Ki Edy Pengging.


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