The Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Semarang City collaborated with the Undip Vocational School regarding the Tri Dharma College activities which include education, research, and community service, especially in the Land and Spatial Planning Sector, Tuesday (12/10), in the Meeting Room 4th Floor Undip Vocational School, Tembalang.

The purpose of this Cooperation Agreement is to assist the implementation of Semarang City Government programs and activities, especially in the Land and Spatial Planning Sector

The Dean of the Undip Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Si said that the end of the learning process at the Vocational School is to get students who are ready to work because Vocational graduates have competence and expertise certification so that they are ready to enter the industrial world.

Prof.Budiyono added that the current collaboration is under the direction of the Minister directly to the study program because the Minister wants the study program to work directly with the business and industry worlds, so that link and match can be established well between the industrial world and campuses, hopefully this collaboration can provide benefits. benefits for both parties.

Head of Bappeda Semarang City Dr. Benjamin, M.Pd. welcome and appreciate this collaboration. Bunyamin hopes that this collaboration will go well and be mutually beneficial for both parties because universities are one of the strategic partners in contributing to advancing the city of Semarang through various researches.

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