Studying while doing business is not impossible, as did Zhulya Nur Chofifa (20) a student of the Vocational School of Diponegoro University who opened a business in the creative economy in the form of knitting products in between her class schedules.

“I started a knitting business in 2019 where I only received orders for knitting products for friends around me. But really the focus has grown since the Covid-19 pandemic. Where me and my sister Putri Ruswandani who are currently studying at Brawijaya University are trying to find useful activities that make money because during online studies they barely get pocket money,” said Zhulya.

Zhulya said that his business began to focus on being done since the Covid-19 pandemic because during online lectures he barely got pocket money. Knitting itself is a job that can be done in your spare time and stay at home during social distancing activities. He also added that in Indonesia, the growth rate of children is still relatively high, thus increasing the need for honing, love, and care such as clothing and toys for the heart.

Until finally, he tried to take a knitting business opportunity that focuses on baby products by making the product name Candyco with the social media name Instagram @candyco_id. The products produced by his business to date are baby shoes, baby hats, bottle covers, bandanas, dolls, and ratte rings.

“For now our business is focused on products for babies or children, but we don’t refuse to get other custom products”

His business is indeed focused on children’s products, but it is possible to receive other custom knitted products. He also explained that his current business also employs neighbors who need additional income. Where she and her sister open knitting training for neighbors for free.

“Candyco itself is assisted in the production process by 4 housewives who can knit. Initially those who wanted to learn and join were more than that, but natural selection because some were not patient and some learned but still couldn’t”

Candyco’s sales currently focus on B2B (Business to Business) where Candyco partners with baby supply stores in the Trenggalek-Tulungagung area, while 30% is B2C (Business to Customer). This is done because in making knitting requires a longer process than other products that are made by machines, and often customers are impatient with the process so they choose to partner to supply their products to baby supply stores or resellers where they can get a definite income every month.

With a capital of 500 thousand, now his business has a turnover of around 4 million to more than that if there are many orders. In the future, he hopes that his business will continue to grow, add employees, be useful for the people around him, and have his own shop.

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