Hobbies and doing business are two different things, but they can be done together, as Fathyn Fadhillah Yunda, Khofifah Nur Anggraeni and Nur Ayu Putri Maharani did. They are students of Tax Accounting Department, Class of 2019 at Vocational School, Diponegoro University.

In starting this business venture, at first it was just a hobby to enjoy the same passion and in the end we intend to start a business in the creative economy in the form of Custom Tote bags and T-shirts. “We started the Custom Tote bag and T-shirt business, actually starting in 2021 where we started carrying out this business by participating in the Prima SV Entrepreneurship Program. However, we only started to really focus on running a business during our 4th semester of college where the three of us ourselves tried to channel our hobbies and hobbies into an opportunity to start a business venture. “With the running of our business, apart from channeling hobbies and getting business opportunities, this business can also increase our income as students and with this business, we can also learn how to divide our time between studying and doing business.”

Currently, the business that is being run is only managed by the three of us. Although, we are in different cities, we can divide the tasks in managing this business so that it can run well. We use social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Whatsapp, and Shopee as a place to promote and market the products we make, besides that we also market products to our closest friends.

Tote bag is a versatile item that can be used for many purposes such as carrying goods. While the T-shirt is a piece of clothing that can be used every day. Therefore, we try to take a business opportunity Custom Tote bags and T-shirts that focus on products for teenagers with the product name Dasom Merch, the word Dasom comes from the Korean language which means love and Merch itself is a merchandise. The business generated from Dasom Merch is in the form of T-shirts and Tote Bags. You can check it through our social media account, @dasom.merch

The market opportunity for our business is teenagers because the Tote bags and T-shirts that we sell are very trendy according to the style of today’s millennial teenagers. In marketing Merchandise Products, it has been found on social media. However, in the implementation of this business sale, we improve product quality by selling products using attractive designs and customers can choose designs according to their wishes and the prices offered are very affordable.

Production system that we do is to adjust orders in every purchase from customers. Previously we explained that in this sales system we will apply ready stock every month. With a Pre Order system where we open a Pre Order with a period of 10 days to collect orders from buyers. For the products we produce in the form of t-shirts and tote bags. The monthly turnover obtained from the business of selling Tote bags and T-shirts is actually uncertain depending on market demand, but as long as this business is running, the turnover in a month we get is around Rp. 1,200,000. The next plan in running and developing this business is that we will continue to market our products through social media and e-commerce and we will open a bazzar stand selling offline. The hope in the future is that the business we run can grow rapidly so that we can open an offline store that sells tote bags and custom t-shirts.

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