Burger is one of the famous fast food icons in Indonesia. However, these foods are considered unhealthy. With these problems, we created a team led by Icha Annisa Fitriani, with team members Muhammad Ramadhan, Mustika Diaasih Cahyaningtyas, Yasmin Hasna, Ananda Rizqi Santoso from the S.Tr department. Logistics Management and Administration class of 2020 makes an innovation of burgers made from sweet potatoes that are healthy and nutritious. At this time, sweet potatoes are much favored by consumers because they have a good nutritional composition that is good for body health. Anthocyanin compounds in sweet potatoes in the form of pigments can function as antioxidants, anticancer, antibacterial, protection against liver damage, heart disease, and stroke. So our target market is broad and has great prospects for the future.

So far, processed sweet potatoes are known to many people at a low price. So that innovation is needed to increase the selling value of this sweet potato. One way is through our innovation, the Sweepo-Burger: a modern innovation from sweet potato processing to a healthy burger. This sweet potato burger has a different taste from other burgers because we use sweet potato as the main ingredient. We sell this burger at a price of Rp. 12,000 per pack. The target market is children to adults. The turnover obtained can reach Rp. 3,500,000/month. In the marketing process, Sweepo-Burger uses social media promotions through WhatsApp, Line, Instagram and also Tik-Tok. Then for purchases, you can also directly chat with the contact person who is already available.

We also introduce and give free Sweepo-Burger products to friends and relatives. We give samples to our friends’ relatives to be assessed in all aspects of our burger products namely shape, taste, texture, portion and packaging. In introducing and giving the Sweepo-Burger product, they gave us a positive response after trying the sample. Our first trial was successful and then proceeded to manufacture a second in large quantities to be ready for the market. Our business is running smoothly under the guidance of the Diponegoro University Vocational School 100 Young Entrepreneur Student Program in 2021.

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