Vocational School students turning coconut meat into crispy squid was carried out by a team assisted by the Program of 100 Young Entrepreneurial Students at the Diponegoro University Vocational School in 2021 which was carried out by Tata Firmansyah, Dennysa Al Hikmah, Dita Sofiana Sari, Nabila Raihana Syahiroh and Panisha Mustikarini, D4 Accounting students. Class of 2019 Taxation.

Initially we have some things in common, one of which is an unhealthy lifestyle. What does an unhealthy lifestyle look like? These include staying up late or sleeping irregularly, being lazy to exercise and often consuming junk food. An unhealthy lifestyle is a lifestyle of a person doing activities that are detrimental to his health. Unfortunately, now many people are living an unhealthy lifestyle that can lead to various diseases and even death. For that reason we want to sell food products that process coconut meat as a substitute for squid meat. Many do not know that plant-based foods can be cooked in such a way that they resemble dishes using meat.

Currently with that concept we sell vegetarian products that not only sell healthy vegetarian and vegan-style foods but are also delicious. Our vegetarian squid business opportunity is very promising because the culture of consumption and eating habits or tasting healthy snacks is almost loved by everyone, from small children to adults. From observations in the area where we live, it turns out that no one has entered the culinary business of this vegetarian crispy squid. Therefore, we tried to take business opportunities through the Vocational School Entrepreneurial Program at Diponegoro University with the product name BakalBakul.Ku, which means in Javanese, which means selling materials. The word “Ku” itself means this business belongs to every owner. You can check it through our social media account, @bakalbakul.ku

The marketing strategy carried out in our business is in the form of vegetarian squid which will be distributed to various places in Indonesia. With its delicious taste and practical packaging to make it easier for consumers to enjoy it and be healthy, the price of vegetarian squid is Rp. 12,000, -/pack and to increase sales, we also carry out promotions. Some of the media for this promotion include pamphlets, posters, social media, and stickers. The monthly turnover obtained from our sales business is actually uncertain depending on market demand, but as long as this business is running, the turnover in a month we get is around Rp. 1,500,000. The next plan in running and developing this business is that we will continue to market our products through social media and e-commerce and hope that in the future, the business we run can grow rapidly.

It is hoped that in the future the crispy vegetarian squid business can continue to run well, generate an increasing turnover, and can be useful for consumers. Getting to know more people is our greatest hope, because it will drive our efforts to move forward.

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