Monday, November 29, 2021, the Applied Foreign Language Study Program, Faculty of Vocational School, Diponegoro University has held a Visiting Professor activity in the form of a webinar. Held online with the zoom meeting platform, the webinar entitled Language and International Industry was attended by the entire batch of Applied Foreign Language students, as well as several teaching lecturers.

The speakers in this webinar are foreign speakers who are experienced in the field of language and culture. Hiroki Okita as the first speaker was an Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. from Tokyo. He has experience as a JNCU (Japanese National Commission for UNESCO) committee and he has also participated in the DARMASISWA scholarship program organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The second speaker, Stefanie Sewotaroeno, is an Analyst at ftprf, Commewijne, from Suriname. He is a poet who loves culture as well as natural things.

The event, which started with remarks from the head of the Applied Foreign Language study program, Sriwahyu Istana Trahutami, was aimed at building international networks and beneficial good relations, introducing the department to the outside world, as well as educating students about the importance of language and culture. From the two materials that have been presented, it can be concluded that language and culture are two important and very useful things in this era. Especially for people who want to have a career in international industry, because armed with a language we can communicate well across countries so they can understand other people’s cultures. The important point is not to be afraid of making mistakes, but to be careful if you want to combine different languages ​​because not everyone can tolerate it.

“I really like this visiting professor activity, because I can hear the experiences of the two speakers directly. This activity helps me understand international projects and international industry. This is also beneficial for students before going directly into the world of work.” Landya Regita Putri, one of the visiting professor participants, said in a personal interview by the author.

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