The Vocational College collaborated with the Human Resources Development Agency of Universitas Diponegoro (BPSDM UNDIP) to hold a Lecturer Certification Workshop in the Decanate Building on Friday (8/7). The Vice Dean of Innovation and Resources, Dr. Eng. Vita Paramita opened the workshop and wished that the activity help the lecturers preparing their certification.

The Head of BPSDM Undip, Mr. Mochamad Arief Budihardjo, Ph.D., as the speaker stated that every year the certification guidelines are renewed, lecturers should update their information. The requirements for lectures certification are Applied Approach Certificate, Asistant Professor Certificate, and have been teaching for at least two years. The lecturers are excited to have the workshop and wish to have similar activities in the future. They realized that having lecturers’ certification can improve their quality of education and teaching.

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