Semarang City-PT Sriboga Flour Mill synergizes with the Vocational School of Diponegoro University to help develop the flour-based Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) business from the business management aspect. The SME Business Sharing Seminar is expected to be able to improve the knowledge and skills of SMEs in managing their business.

GM Factory PT Sriboga Flour Mill Rike Sundari said, this activity is one of Sriboga’s commitments through the Service & Empowerment Division to establish partnerships with government and private agencies. “Education for SME partners is so that they are able to improve their knowledge and skills to be able to innovate and advance in business management,” said Rike after signing the collaboration with the Undip Vocational School, Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

According to Rike, since its inception, the company has grown with SMEs not only as a flour buyer, but also how to help in managing a much more developed business. ”It is not enough for SMEs to only have technical skills but also knowledge in terms of soft skills and the Undip Vocational School has these capabilities to help us develop SMEs, especially in Semarang.”

This synergy with the Vocational School of Diponegoro University carries out the commitment to the SME empowerment program and community service programs. Present on this occasion the Dean of the Vocational School of Diponegoro University Prof.Dr.Ir Budiyono, M.Sc., and the Head of the Department of Applied Accounting and Taxation of Unidip Drs. Dul Muid, M.Sc., Akt., and his staff.

“With the demographic bonus in 2030, strong vocational education support will be needed and we have collaborated with industry, including research education and community service,” said Prof. Budiyono. Added, in vocational education, of course, lecturers are also needed from the industry as instructors to provide supplies to students.

”This synergy is what we are building to prepare a supply of manpower for the industry that is in accordance with the needs and with quality,” added Prof. Budiyono. The SME Business Sharing Seminar presented two speakers, namely on the topic of HR Management by SME Activist Irfan Wahyudi who is an SME Activist, Owner of Bakpia 701.

The second material on the topic of Financial Management and Taxation was presented by a Lecturer of the Vocational School of Diponegoro University, Apip, S.E., M.Si. The seminar was also filled with Baking Demo by Chef Sriboga, who gave innovative recipes and shared tips and tricks to the participants, the majority of whom were flour-based SMEs.

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