The Tax Accounting Student Association (HMPS AP) Diponegoro University Vocational School (Undip) has successfully passed funding for the Village Community Empowerment Program (P2MD).

Carrying the service theme “Stimulation of Creativity and Community Empowerment to Optimize Village Potential Management Based on Entrepreneurship, Digital, and Arts,”

HMPS AP, accompanied by supervisor Maya Aresteria, SE, M.Si, Ak, carried out community service activities in Medono Village, Boja District, Kendal Regency.

Medono Village, located in a mountainous area, has long been known as a center for palm sugar and coffee plantations in Kendal—the presence of the P2MD HMPS AP team apart from providing knowledge on how to do marketing.

It also provides skills regarding how to harvest coffee correctly and packaging it so that the quality of the harvested product does not decrease. Apart from coffee, the P2MD HMPS AP Team also assists the residents of Medono Village regarding the diversification of palm sugar products.

Such as in solid form with various kinds of molds and in the form of ant sugar. Several activities were held, including marketing outreach and branding coffee and palm sugar products.

To increase the income of village residents by inviting resource persons Deddy Sulestiyono, SE, ST, MM. Local community produce is promoted digitally to expand marketing.

Maya Aresteria said that her party was also assisting efforts to preserve the arts owned by Medono Village, namely the White Turi dance.

“This dance art can also be used as a village branding medium,” said Maya.

For some time, the P2MD HMPS AP Team recorded videos of village residents practicing dance and uploaded them to social media.

“We hope that youth organizations in Medono Village can continue the P2MD program we have carried out,” he concluded.


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