On Monday, 13 May 2024, The Undip Ship Alumni Association (IKA) held a halal bi-halal activity at the Front One HK Resort Hotel Semarang. This event is a forum for recruiting Diponegoro University Vocational School of Naval Engineering alums. This event was also held to build alum business links and synergize with each other. Through events like this, a spirit of solidarity and synergy will emerge and ultimately bring the good name of the alma mater. The Chair of the Applied Education Alumni Association (IAPAT), Suyoto, and Chair of the Shipbuilding Construction Engineering Technology Study Program (TRKP) Vocational School, Dr. M Ridwan, attended this forum. Then, I was a lecturer at the TRKP SV Undip Study Program and also a lecturer at the Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (FT) Sukanto Djatmiko.

In this halal bi-halal activity, there was a discussion that Prof. Dr. Achmad Fauzan Zakki, a lecturer at the TRKP Study Program, stated that graduates of this campus received appreciation from the maritime industry. Apart from that, Undip is also considered capable of meeting the expectations of the business world in producing qualified alums. “This is proven when Undip Shipping graduates can easily enter and get jobs in the industrial world,” said he, who is also a lecturer at the Vocational School and Shipbuilding Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering (FT) Undip. As Head of the Vocational School’s Shipping Construction Engineering Technology Study Program (TRKP), M Ridwan said that vocational education’s development in shipping construction engineering technology was very rapid. These include modern laboratory facilities and plans to open a Master’s Study Program in Industrial Technology.

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