The Single Window Olympics (OSW 2024) is an information systems intelligence competition regarding technology-based export, import, and logistics facilities organized by the National Single Window Institute (LNSW) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. The Single Window Olympics is part of a series of anniversary activities for the Indonesian Ministry of Finance’s Single Window Institute and other activities such as the Logistics Digitalization Seminar. Students participating in the competition are from well-known state and private universities in Indonesia. Competition activities will be held from 27-31 May 2024 and onsite at the Djuanda I Building, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. Selection for competition participants is carried out very strictly. Qualified in the Olympiad, Muhammad Syauqal Afwika Rahman, an Accounting and Taxation Study Program student at the Diponegoro University Vocational School. Muhammad Syauqal Afwika Rahman represented Undip, entered the final round, and won second place at the National. Undip Vocational School, as an Applied Education entity with the jargon “Vocational Champion,” always encourages its students to compete at national and international levels. At the competition prize-giving session, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. Sri Mulyani, was present to give a speech and prizes to the winners of the Single Window Olympiad.
Proud Vocational School “M. Syauqal Afwika Rahman, Student of the Accounting and Taxation Study Program, Wins Second Place in the National Single Window Olympiad”
Jun 3, 2024