To improve the reputation of Diponegoro University on an international level, several programs are run through the World Class University (WCU) of Diponegoro University. One is the Summer Course Vocational International Program “Sustainable Building Conservation with BIM.” This activity was implemented on 22 – 26 July 2024 by the Department of Civil Affairs and Planning of the Undip Vocational School. The Head of the Undip Rating Office, Prof. Dr. Hadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., opened the event and conveyed that the Summer Course topic raised at this activity related to historical buildings in Semarang with the concept of Building Information Modelling is relevant and exciting. This activity was carried out hybrid, with 20 students attending offline from University Malaya. The 36 online participants came from the University Tunn Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), and Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL).

The series of activities carried out include visits to Lawang Sewu, Kota Lama, Sam Poo Kong, Ambarawa Railway Museum, and Jogjakarta Kraton. In addition, Summer Course participants also attend classes with Professor Sr Ts. Dr. Syahrul Nizam Kamaruzzaman makes batik shibori and plays angklung. Professor Sr Ts, the Dean of the Faculty of Alam Bina University Malaya, was also present at the closing ceremony. Dr. Azlan Shah Ali. Chairman of the Department of Civil Affairs and Planning of Vocational School Undip Asri Nurdiana, conveyed that this Summer Course activity was held to achieve one of the KPIs at Diponegoro University. He also thanked all parties involved so that the activities could go well.

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