Pagergung Village, Bulu District, Kab. Temanggung (27/07/2024) — Education given by Alissa Qotrunnada Fadia Zahra, a Student of the Taxation Accounting Study Program, KKN Vocational School of the Second Team KKN University of Diponegoro TA 2022/ 2023 in a monodisciplinary program titled “Education and Training in Making Simple Budget Plans For Households” to mothers and attended by about 11 people, in Pagergunung Village, Bulu District, Temanggung Regency on Saturday, July 27, 2024.

In her program, Alissa Qotrunnada explained the importance of organizing financial planning in the household to today’s mothers in the hamlet of Tlodas, Pagergung Village, Temanggung Regency. The preparation of financial planning is a regular execution process that aims to plan, make decisions, and process or analyze ongoing needs. Simple financial planning that can be applied in households and individuals can achieve an effective, efficient, and economic well-being goal in the household. The easiest, most straightforward way to use is to recognize finances, primary needs, secondary needs, and other needs. The success of financial well-being is that when you can set aside funds for emergency funds, emergency funds are an essential component in the budget plan because when there is an urgent need that is outside the predetermined budget, you can use the funds for use without reducing other budgets that have been prepared in advance.

Technical implementation of his activities by explaining the material through a slide show entitled “Budget Management Strategy,” which contains the importance of making financial planning in a household, how to divide the percentage of funds that will be budgeted, gives examples of correct financial recording, and what an ideal budget looks like. During the mentoring and extension delivered by Alissa Qotrunnada Fadia Zahra as Team II of KKN Undip FY 2023/2024. She, allowing mothers to discuss, opened a question and answer session, was very enthusiastic about the program, with which she was even very active in asking and discussing how mothers should be able to set aside part of their income for emergency funds and then she also invited mothers to practice how to do simple bookkeeping for the household. At the end of her mentoring session, Alissa handed over the discipline wallet and the booklet as a guide in drawing up the budget plan to Mut’s mother, the cadre leader and head of the village of Tlodas. She did not forget to perpetuate the success of her program by inviting all Angora Davis to take pictures as documentation, which can be made as a keepsake in the gallery by her and the mothers of the children of Tlodas village, Pagergung Village, Bulu District, Temanggung Regency.

Seeing the high numbers of young mothers during the transition made her confident that every mother could understand simple record keeping and would be more intelligent and wiser in managing her household finances, which could be applied in everyday life. With her disciplined wallet, Alissa can help homemakers to be disciplined in setting aside money for their daily needs, and it can even be used to budget their weekly and monthly needs.

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