Agung Ary Susanto

Agung Ary Susanto

Priority Account Executive PT PLN (Persero) Head Office It is an honor to be part of the Undip Vocational School. Currently growing tremendously, the development of study programs, not only as a learning development center and research center but also practical...
M. Aji Pradana

M. Aji Pradana

PT. PLN (Persero) Diploma III Alumni of Electrical Engineering, Diponegoro University Vocational School Class 2016 I feel proud to have been part of the Undip Electrical Engineering D3 family. We gain a lot of knowledge, from hard skills related to the electrical...

Vocational Student Innovation, Turn Coconut Meat Into Crispy Squid

Vocational School students turning coconut meat into crispy squid was carried out by a team assisted by the Program of 100 Young Entrepreneurial Students at the Diponegoro University Vocational School in 2021 which was carried out by Tata Firmansyah, Dennysa Al...