Dean of Vocational School
Prof Dr. Ir.Budiyono, M. Si
The Dean of the Vocational School at Diponegoro University Semarang is currently held by Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Si. The duties of the Dean of the Vocational School at Diponegoro University include academic management, human resource development, industrial relations, financial management, student recruitment, research development, community service, crisis management, supervision, evaluation, and external representation. He ensures that educational programs are relevant to industry needs, manages resources efficiently, and promotes the school’s image in various forums.

Vice Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Vocational School
Dr. Ida Hayu Dwimawanti, MM
The Vice Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs at the Vocational School of Diponegoro University coordinates and implements various aspects of education and student development. They ensure a curriculum development that meets industry needs and monitor the learning process to ensure its quality. Additionally, they manage the admission and registration of new students, provide academic guidance, and address various student issues.

Vice Dean Of Resource Vocational School
Dr. Eng. Vita Paramita, S.T., M.M., M.Eng.
The Vice Dean for Resources at the Vocational School of Diponegoro University is primarily responsible for managing the school’s assets and resources. They are responsible for managing facilities and infrastructure, including educational facilities and laboratories, and ensuring their availability and proper maintenance. Collaborating with various stakeholders, such as vendors and service providers, guarantees the school’s needs are well met. With this strategic role, they contribute to creating a quality learning environment that supports students and teaching staff at the Vocational School of Diponegoro University.

Administrative Manager of Vocational School
Fajar Purwantoro, S.AP.
The Administrative Manager at the Vocational School of Diponegoro University is crucial in overseeing various administrative activities that support the school’s day-to-day operations. They are responsible for general administrative management, including document management, correspondence, and school archives. Additionally, the Administrative Manager coordinates campus events and ensures the smooth running of various activities. With these responsibilities, they ensure that all administrative aspects of the campus operate efficiently and support creating a conducive learning environment for the development of students’ potential and the welfare of teaching staff.

Academic and Student Affairs Supervisor of Vocational School
Sumartono, S.T.
The Academic and Student Affairs Supervisor at the Vocational School of Diponegoro University monitors and manages various academic and student-related activities. They are responsible for directly supervising the curriculum implementation, teaching-learning processes, and other educational activities. In terms of student affairs, they oversee and support self-development programs, extracurricular activities, and student organizations.

Resource Supervisor of Vocational School
Bihandono, S.E.
The Resource Supervisor at the Vocational School of Diponegoro University is primarily responsible for overseeing and managing the school’s assets and resources. They ensure efficient financial management by overseeing budgets and allocating funds for various school activities. Their tasks also include managing the school’s facilities and infrastructure, including educational facilities and laboratories, and ensuring proper maintenance and availability of operational needs.