Strategic Applied Research Activities are a response to the launch of 6 national strategic fields by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2008, which require intensive research to overcome various problems of the Indonesian nation. These six strategic areas were developed by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M) of the Directorate General of Higher Education into 12 strategic issue themes to be researched by accommodating all branches of science in higher education. This guideline is adapted to the 2016-2020 Undip Research Master Plan. UNDIP has established a superior research program that focuses on the development of coastal and tropical areas, with the following particular areas: Development and empowerment of Indonesia’s local resources to increase resilience and food security, health status, and sustainable energy and water availability.

This Strategic Research Program aims to:

1. Facilitate applied research funding support for proposers in higher education to conduct research that can solve problems relevant to various issues of the Indonesian nation;
2. It is orienting the ability of proposers who already have a research roadmap to build and shape a technology roadmap to support user-oriented research and development activities.
3. I am answering national problems related to strategic themes.
4. Increase the number of published applied scientific papers at indexed international seminars/conferences.
5. We are increasing the number of simple patents.