To develop a Technopreneur Learning System through the “Technopreneur” curriculum-based Learning Management System (LMS) Platform, Undip Vocational School signed a memorandum of cooperation with PT Kimora Defasa.

This collaboration is to implement the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education and teaching programs through internship programs, research, and community service specifically related to education and teaching programs through internship programs or practical field work (PKL).

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was attended directly by the Dean of the Undip Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Si, and the Main Director of PT Kimora Defasa, Dewi Setiawati Said, along with the Deputy Deans at the Undip Vocational School.

Dean of Undip Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Si, in his speech, said that we are delighted and welcome this collaboration because it is in line with our vision and mission to produce graduates who are competent in the field of digitalization and make talented young talents in the field of technopreneurship.

Budiono menambahkan bahwa kerjasama ini adalah bentuk keseriusan kami untuk dekat dengan industry sekaligus sebagai bentuk nyata kami dalam memfasiltasi mahsiswa dengan dunia kerja dan industry ” ungkapnya.

Budiono added that this collaboration is a form of our seriousness in being close to industry and our concrete form of facilitating students in the world of work and industry,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Main Director of PT Kimora Defasa, Dewi Setiawati Said, is confident that students at Vocational Undip have a bright future in the era of digitalization.

According to him, by producing quality talent, Indonesia can catch up in digitalization technology because the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is currently only 3.47 percent of the population, far below Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.

One of the causes is the need for digital literacy in educational institutions, especially vocational education, which has yet to use digital-based entrepreneurship learning standards fully.

“I hope that Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Ma, and world digital business figures will be born from the Undip Vocational School,” he said.

SDGs SV Undip

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