Entering 2024, the Diponegoro University Vocational School encourages student achievement through the 2024 Student Creativity Program (PKM) Socialization on 5 February 2024. The event, which was attended by faculty-student affairs lecturers, study program student affairs lecturers, and Vocational School students, was held hybrid. Located in the 4th Floor Meeting Room and also in this Zoom meeting, resource person Susatyo Nugroho Widyo Pramono, S.T., M.M. as PIC PKM Diponegoro University.

This PKM socialization event, held regularly every year, discusses the latest PKM guidelines and regulations that will apply in 2024. Susatyo Nugroho Widyo Pramono, S.T., M.M. conveyed the writing scheme and grid for each type of PKM 2024. Apart from that, he also gave several points of error when making proposals, which resulted in the submitted proposals not passing. Writing systematics is an essential point in preparing a PKM proposal.

The 2024 Student Creativity Program consists of 11 schemes, namely PKM-RE, PKM-RSH, PKM-PM, PKM-PI, PKM-KC, PKM-KI, PKM-K, PKM-VGK which are included in PKM 8 Sectors, as well as PKM -AI and PKM-GFT are included as PKM incentive schemes. The new provisions of PKM 2024 are that one student can only propose one proposal in the 8-field funding scheme and one proposal in the incentive scheme (PKM-AI and PKM GFT) either as chairperson or member.

Acceptance of proposals at the Vocational School level is by February 11, 2024, at 23.59 via the Google form provided. A review of proposals at the faculty level will be carried out on 12-14 February 2024. Proposals that pass at the faculty level will then participate in selection at the UNDIP level on February 16, 2024. Complete information regarding the 2024 PKM timeline can be accessed on Instagram @pkmcenterundip, and the 2024 PKM guidebook can be downloaded at the link https://simbelmawa.kemdikbud.go.id/portal/penerimaan-proposal-pkm-2024/ .

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