SEMARANG ( Various efforts have been made. They will continue to be made by the Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Study Program (TRKI) Diponegoro University Vocational School (SV Undip) to adapt and move quickly to the challenges and needs of the world of work today and in the future for graduates. This is because the dynamics of the millennial industry demand graduates who perform mentally and physically.

Head of the SV Undip Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Study Program, Mohamad Endy Julianto, S.T., M.T., said universities must innovate and increase learning creativity according to industry needs.

“The TRKI Study Program has prepared human resources (HR) skilled and competent in their fields through revitalizing vocational higher education. “The implementation of the Revitalization Program includes dual system, teaching factory, retooling (retraining), industrial practitioners, and the Competency Certification Institute (LSP),” said Mohammad Endy, Tuesday (14/5/2024).

Without hesitation, the impact was extraordinary; various industries flocked to campus to conduct employee recruitment. Several students who have not yet graduated, armed with grade transcripts for seven semesters and competency certification, have been proposed to various companies, such as the Eternal Tsingshan Group – MT industry (Rifnaldi Sadik, Faizal Pambayun), PT Jaya Trade Indonesia – Business Development (Salsabila), PT Sutindo Chemical Indonesia Surabaya – Research and Development Staff (Tessalonika Sitepu), PT Hailiang Nova Material Indonesia – QC Trainee (Rhida Amalia Dewi Firdausi) and PT LBM New Energy Indonesia – QC Specialist (Desy Sonia Putri, Era Aristanto, Muhammad Zaki Riadhus Shalihin, Septi Enjelina Sitio). Currently, four alumni are working at PT LBM New Energy Indonesia and are taking part in training in China for three months.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Zaki Riadhus Shalihin, usually known as Zaki, said that for university graduates to get a job in a multinational company and train abroad is something they dream of and highly desire, likewise with Zaki, an alumnus of the Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Class of 2019.

Zaki revealed that during college, he participated in various activities related to student organizations and research with lecturer Dr. Eng. Vita Paramita, S.T, MM. M.Eng and Mohamad Endy Julianto, proposal funding (such as PWMV, P2MD, PMW), competitions (such as Business Plan, LKTIN), and competency certification.

You can obtain seven patents with the supervisor, namely 4 Simple Patents and 3 IPRs. Simple patents include Patent No. S00202301133 “Partial Hydrolysis of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Starch using an Acetic Acid Catalyst with the Assistance of Microwaves,” Patent No. S00202301134 “Process of Making Maltodextrin via Partial Hydrolysis of Gembili Tuber Starch (Dioscorea esculenta L.) with the assistance of Waves Microwaves using Acetic Acid Catalyst,” Patent No S00202301530 “Partial Hydrolysis Process of Canna Tuber Starch (Canna edulis Kerr) using Acetic Acid Catalyst and Microwaves” and Patent No S00202307927 “Composition of Hand Sanitizer from Rice Waste.” Meanwhile, IPR certificates include IPR No. EC00202299439, No. EC00202348594, and No. EC00202359719.

Zaki added that these various provisions enabled him to work for a multinational company. This multinational company is under the auspices of Lopal Group China, with the name PT LBM Energi Baru Indonesia, located in the Kendal Industrial Area. This company manufactures electric vehicle battery components, namely LiFePO4 and Lithium Ferro Phosphate or LFP.

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