The Research and Community Service Unit (UPPM) of the Diponegoro University Vocational School is a unit that handles research and service for lecturers and students at the Diponegoro University Vocational School. There are two types of research, namely superior applied research and strategic applied research. Likewise, with service, there is a service funded by DIPA Undip and independent research funds.

Superior applied research refers to select fields determined in the university’s Research Master Plan (RIP). This research must be directed and top-down or bottom-up with the support of funds, research facilities, and infrastructure from universities and stakeholders with direct or indirect interests. The final target of this research is to produce technological innovation in frontier fields and social engineering to improve sustainable development at the local and national levels. (read more)

Strategic Applied Research Activities are a response to the launch of 6 national strategic fields by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2008, which require intensive research to overcome various problems of the Indonesian nation. These six strategic areas were developed by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M) of the Directorate General of Higher Education into 12 strategic issue themes to be researched by accommodating all branches of science in higher education. (read more)

Research Recapitulation 2023

No. Type Number of Decree Title Number of Lecturers Involved Amount of Funding
1 Superior Applied Research No.20/UN7.M2/HK/II/2023 2 8 Rp 80.000.000
2 Strategic Applied Research No.20/UN7.M2/HK/II/2023 30 79 Rp 760.000.000
3 Vocational Development No.42/UN7.M2/HK/III/2023 5 6 Rp 80.000.000

The service program at the Vocational School consists of 3 types: DIPA fund service, independent service, and superior study program service. This program aims to improve the quality of community service activities by utilizing knowledge and applying the research results of teaching staff at the Diponegoro University Vocational School (SV) to help overcome societal problems. (read more)